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جل التقشير الكريستالي بالكولاجين 180 مل 3W CLINIC Collagen Crystal Peeling Gel

 جل التقشير الكريستالي بالكولاجين 180 مل 3W CLINIC Collagen Crystal Peeling Gel, fig. 1
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6 item(s)
6 days

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A gentle facial peeling gel
Contains active ingredients from hydrolyzed collagen, aloe extract & papaya extract
Helps remove dead skin cells & makeup residue without irritating skin
Deeply cleanses & unclogs pores
Leaves skin smooth, radiant & hydrated
To use: After cleansing, apply a moderate amount to damp skin & gently
massage (except eye & mouth area). Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. Use 1-2 times a week or control frequency of use according to skin conditions



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